How to Balance Pool Chemicals
Learn how some quick and easy tips to balance your pool chemicals to enjoy your pool and make your water sparkle this season.

It is very important to monitor swimming pool water to keep it clean and at safe levels for enjoyment. There are many pool chemical products available on the market that assist with various aspects of pool care, including water quality, hardness and odor. It is very important to keep swimming pool water at a certain quality in order to avoid health risks and the additional costs incurred when attempting to bring water quality back to a certain level.
Due to advances in chemical technology, pool additives have become routine for those who wish to keep their pool at optimal condition. To prevent harm, all pool chemicals come with safety instructions that are clearly labeled according to certain guidelines. Using pool chemicals properly insures your water quality will remain intact and safe for an optimal swimming experience.
As mentioned previously, all pool chemicals are clearly labeled with directions for use. It is imperative to follow these directions carefully to avoid the risk of damage to the pool or to your health. For example, the calcium level of the pool water can cause the water to become corrosive, affecting plasters, metals, pipe fittings, and pool railings. By simply following the directions provided with the chemicals one can avoid issues such as this.
Pool chemicals are basic science. Once you become familiar with testing your pool water, and which chemicals are used to treat different water conditions, it will become easier to maintain your swimming pool; you will quickly learn what to look for and how to correct it.
4 Tips to Balance Pool Chemicals
Water balancing with chemicals is a necessary routine. It is especially important when new water is being added into the pool, as pool water needs replacing periodically due to evaporation or too many cannonballs. Balancing is necessary in order to keep your pool water at safe conditions. In addition to chemicals, a pool vacuum will further assist your effort, keeping water as clear and clean as possible.
After you have gone through the process of adding pool chemicals and vacuuming the water, it is necessary to run tests in order to ensure you have done your job properly. Tests include the pH level, alkalinity, and calcium in the water. As you can see, it’s a process that repeats itself, testing and treating. The better you are at treating the water, the less often you will have to administer pool chemicals.
It is necessary to keep the more common chemicals on hand if you plan on using your pool often. There are many factors that can alter the state of the water in your pool. Having some of these pool chemicals readily available ensures you can quickly and efficiently bring the water back to your standards.
Everything involved with maintaining a clean and safe pool involves balance. As such, when adding chemicals to your pool, it is best practice to add slowly and evenly over the surface of the pool.
Saltwater Pool Chemicals
The Pool Factory™ offers a great selection of quality pool chemicals used with saltwater pools at everyday low prices.
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