How Saltwater Pools Work

As salt chlorine generators become more popular the misconception of how saltwater pools work seems to grow.

How Saltwater Pools Work

There is no doubt that a saltwater system makes for a safer, more comfortable, easier maintained pool. Many of the benefits that people hear are entirely true, but one misconception is that when you utilize a saltwater system it gives you a chlorine-free pool. Chlorine is still the compound that does the sanitizing in a saltwater pool.

What makes a saltwater pool work?

A salt chlorine generator utilizes a natural process to generate pure chlorine. The electrolytic process uses a very low concentration of salt (less than a teaspoon per gallon) and generates free chlorine. The chlorine continuously kills bacteria and algae and then reverts back to salt. This indefinite cycle leaves the water feeling silky, soft, refreshing and sparkling clear. Salt chlorine generators are easy to install, economical, and fully automatic.


This is a 27'x54" Saltwater LX Round Pool

The Benefits of Using a Saltwater System

  • No more purchasing, transportation or storage of chlorine.
  • No more skin irritations and itchy red eyes.
  • No more faded bathing suites.
  • No more harsh chemicals in your swimming pool.

The salt chlorine generator takes care of the sanitation portion of the pool’s chemistry, but there are a few easily managed chemicals that are necessary to add as well. Controlling the pH and Alkalinity levels will continue to be important as well as controlling stabilizer levels, a.k.a. cyanuric acid. Salt levels should be maintained around 3500 ppm.


Solaxx Retro Jet Saltwater System installed on Saltwater 5000 Swimming Pool

Super Chlorinate Your Above Ground Pool

A beneficial feature that some saltwater systems have is a “super chlorinate” setting. Super chlorinating your above ground pool is useful when there has been a high bather load or there has been an excessive amount of rain. Super chlorinating boosts the total amount of chlorine generated to clean up any high amounts of contaminates that cause the pool to appear cloudy or even green in color.

Additional Features for Ease of Use

Some salt chlorine generators come with additional benefits. The Solaxx Saltron Retro Jet RJ, for example, found at has LED indicator lights with simple user interface push buttons. This Saltwater System by Solaxx is the perfect choice for above ground pool owners.

Solaxx Retro Jet RJ Salt Chlorine Generator System

This self-contained purification system utilizes a natural process to generate pure chlorine. The electrolytic process uses a very low concentration of salt (less than a teaspoon per gallon) and generates free chlorine.

Solaxx Jet RJ Saltwater Chlorine Generator

Leave the Chemistry to the Pros…

Once using a system with the ease of use like a salt chlorine generator, it is easy to become curious about how exactly it works its magic. I would recommend resisting the urge to go back to chemistry class and relearning the periodic table to fully understand exactly how a saltwater pool works / functions. The major benefits of a salt system are peace of mind and ease of use. Let the system take care of the rest.