Cloudy Water Package 2

Cloudy Water Package 2
Cloudy Water package 2 contains 1 Clear Out Clarifier (1 QT) and 2 Oxy Shock (Non-Chlorine 1LB). Read more
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Cloudy Water Package 2


Package Includes:

  • (1) Clear Out Clarifier (1qt.)
  • (2) Oxy Shocks (Non-Chlorine-1LB.)


The Cloudy Water Package 2 contains everything you need to clear up your cloudy water. Cloudy or dull pool water is caused by improper chemical balance or fine debris suspended in the pool water. Use the following products to resolve this problem.

Super Clarifier works by grouping together microscopic particles & oils to help your filter remove them from the pool water. Oxy Shock is a odorless product designed to directly attack and break down the organic materials that can turn pool water dull and produce an unpleasant smell.

There are many reasons for cloudy pool water: pH and Alkalinity too low or too high, early algae growth, frequent heavy rains, lack of sunlight on the pool (UV sunlight is an excellent natural oxidizer) poor circulation, lack of pool use, too little filtration time (filter should run 8 to 12 hours each day that the pool is open. It is recommended to shock the pool on a regular weekly or bi-weekly basis (shocking helps to eliminate build-ups of un-filterables such as body oils & lotions plus it also kills early outbreaks of algae).

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