Pool Calculator
If you have ever struggled trying to keep your pool chemically balanced, you know the importance of the pool volume. Estimating the volume of your pool is one of the first steps of being able to determine the accurate amount of corrective chemicals needed for a given situation. Please fill in all areas below, entering numbers only for dimension entries.Pool Calculator
If you have ever struggled trying to keep your pool chemically balanced, you know the importance of the pool volume. Estimating the volume of your pool is one of the first steps of being able to determine the accurate amount of corrective chemicals needed for a given situation. Please fill in all areas below, entering numbers only for dimension entries.
Calculating Capacity
Round Pools

To calculate the capacity of a round pool, multiply the diameter times itself times the average depth times a multiplier of 5.9. This gives you the total gallon capacity of your pool.
Cheat Sheet
Pool SizeCapacity (Gallons)
12' Round3,000
15' Round5,000
18' Round7,500
21' Round10,000
24' Round13,000
27' Round17,000
30' Round21,000
33' Round25,000
Pool calculations have been rounded to be used as a quick guide for easy pool maintenance. For exact calculations, please use the calculator above.
Oval Pools

To calculate the capacity of a round pool, multiply the diameter times itself times the average depth times a multiplier of 5.9. This gives you the total gallon capacity of your pool.
Cheat Sheet
Pool SizeCapacity (Gallons)
8' x 12' Oval; 8' x 14' Oval3,000
10' x 15' Oval; 10' x 16' Oval3,500
10' x 21' Oval; 12' x 18' Oval5,000
12' x 20' Oval; 12' x 21' Oval6,500
12' x 24' Oval; 14' x 20' Oval7,500
15' x 24' Oval10,000
15' x 30' Oval12,000
18' x 33' Oval16,000
18' x 40' Oval19,000
Pool calculations have been rounded to be used as a quick guide for easy pool maintenance. For exact calculations, please use the calculator above.